The Hats We Wear + Gigi Pip

I am...
A cuddle seeker. A wife. A mother. A daughter and sister. A broadcaster and the resident over-feeler. A listener. A giver. A worrier. A healer. A Spanish-speaking enthusiast. A bluegrass lover. A husky owner. A garden grower. A(n) educator.

Since becoming a mother, I am constantly striving for balance. There have been many days where the very first thing on my mind is my daughter and I overlook the 30 seconds it takes to brush my teeth or hair, pet our dog, Rio, or even acknowledge the man that I vowed my love to almost two years ago with a simple kiss and good morning. Motherhood had consumed me. I can't count the number of times when the rocking and bouncing and nursing and swaying and shushing and swaddling seemed to never end, and while I stared at the beautiful creation that had come into my life, I let my other relationships falls to the wayside. So much of who I am is because of the relationships that I have with others. My friendships are the entryways in to my soul. I like to think that each and every one of them prepared me to be the best mother by simply believing in me, even when I found it impossible to believe in myself. When I discovered Gigi Pip's campaign called, "The Hats We Wear" I felt an instant connection to not only their adorable hat designs but their mission to empower women who juggle the array of hats they wear on a daily basis. I am no expert on this juggling act. Yet, everyday I try to set an intention to not just put on my newest hat called "Mama" but dust off the other hats from time to time too. I know how important it is to put yourself first so you can better be there for others. It's a lesson that I haven't always wanted to accept and have to re-learn occasionally. I would love to hear how you manage your hats! In the meantime, let's cheers. Here's to us women, friends, daughters, mamas, referees, coaches, nurturers, household bosses and beyond. I tip my hat to each and every one of you!

Hat c/o Gigi Pip

Photography by Brittany Renee'