Halloween Pumpkin Planters

I am always looking for fun ways to incorporate plants into my decor, so I couldn’t resist making these darling pumpkin plant holders. They may not last super long, but they are easy to do and will hopefully bring you as much joy as they brought me. I bought this tiny jade plant at Sprouts, but any type of plant will do.

Also, I started a new hashtag to keep track of the different ways that I use plants and flowers in my life. I am looking for others who are doing really cool things with plants too. Tag your plant and flower photos on Instagram using #bloomroomstyle for a chance to be featured on my account.

  • Step One: Draw any face that you would like on the pumpkin with permanent marker.  
  • Step Two: Just as you would when you are carving a large pumpkin, use a sharp serrated knife to cut a circle around the crown of the pumpkin and remove.
  • Step Three: Scrape the seeds from the inside of the pumpkin using a spoon or fork until you have a smooth surface.
  • Step Four: Transplant your plant of your liking into the pumpkin and water.

That’s it! Easy, isn’t it?

***If you need tips on how to transplant a house plant you can see an old post about here.

Shirt c/o Nestle and Thyme

Photography by Brittany Renee