Body Image + Food
“I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself. ”
Every time we approach a mirror and you see your reflection, you smile. You grin ear to ear as you look at yourself in the mirror. I wish I could be more like you, grateful, non-judgmental and simply happy with the image staring back me.
I am not sure if I would go so far as to say that I have had major body image issues, but, like many others, I’ve had moments in my life when I would pick apart the things I did not like about myself and some days, wish I saw something different.
I want to make it very clear to you that your body is a temple and I will do my best to live by example of this. As I sit here typing this, I realize that I am wavering on many fronts, as just today I told myself that I have aged ten years, have yet to workout consistently and drink far too much caffeine for my own good. I need to stop this self-critical and internally judgmental way of living.
I want to be more like you.
So as we browse the aisles of one of my favorite grocery stores, I want to tell you this: Eat well and eat often. Strive to find the balance. Know where your food comes from, support local businesses, buy from stores that promote wellness and sell food made from real ingredients, and learn to grow your own food.
Your father and I also want you to know that you can treat yourself to sweets and other foods that may bring you joy like your great-grandmother’s fried chicken recipe without having guilt. Food brings people together and we never, ever want you to associate food with shame or regret.
Your father will most certainly teach you how to start and tend to a garden and cook the food you’ve grown in that garden. I will teach you how to do silly things with your body to make it strong like handstands and how to shop for the best bang for your buck without compromising nutrition.
We want you to experience a long life, sweet one. We realize that we have no control over this matter but if you get the privilege of reaching an old age, we want your body to be well-nourished, strong and most importantly, loved. So keep smiling in the mirror, little girl, because you are beautiful, just the way you are.
Your Mama
Thank you Whole Foods and Bebe au Lait for sponsoring this post. Also, thank you to the other brands that participated in this campaign: @lifefactory, @plumorganics, @earthmamaangelbaby and @greentoysinc. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Winter's adorable romper c/o Standard of Grace Shop
Diaper Bag c/o PacaPod