How To Get Your Blog Seen: My Journey

From painting, to learning piano, and now with writing, I am always trying to push myself creatively. When I became pregnant with Winter, I began posting to Instagram frequently and it opened up a whole new world. Being one of the first out of my friends in Colorado to get pregnant, it was refreshing to connect and talk to other mamas, while honing my newfound joy and creative endeavor, photography.

Flash forward about six months and the idea for starting a blog came to my mind. I wasn't too savvy on the marketing aspect of Instagram or blogging, nor did I have clue about building a website and growing a blog, but I knew that I wanted a space where I could document what it was like for me as a new mother and dabble in some other interests of mine such as plants and gardening.

The truth is, I love to write. There are days that I could care less if one person read my blog, because the process of creating it is often so rewarding. But on the flip side, it takes hours of effort to create my blog posts, so it would be really nice if it was actually read by other human beings. A lot of the time, I felt so alone as a new mother, so my main goal was, and still is, to always be transparent with my readers on what is it like for me to be a wife, a mother and a woman. 

When I met Brittany Renee', the main photographer for the blog, we clicked immediately. She loved my vision for the blog and while it still has a long way to go, jumped on board as a business partner and we began shooting together.

Social media has been an interesting journey for me. I have battled with feelings of inferiority and my self-esteem took a big hit when Instagram decided to do the new algorithm as my engagement (meaning my likes and comments) were literally sliced in half or more. I internalized the change as something I did wrong, which was silly of me think. There were many moments during that time that I thought about quitting it all, but thankfully, I was able to readjust my attitude. I have a clear understanding that the minute the joy is taken out of blogging and Instagram, I am done. It shouldn't be something that adds stress to my life.

This December, I decided to take a real stab at the blogging world. I vowed to post more consistently, write my little heart out, and reach out to companies that I have been a fan of for years to see if they had any interest in working with Brittany and me. But since my Instagram account stopped growing rapidly like it did before and my blog was being lost in the cyber world alongside the many other great blogs out there, I had no clue how to up my engagement and actually get my blog posts read.

That's when I found Social Studio Shop, an amazing company that puts on social media workshops and does consulting for creatives. I just started working with them to try to build my blog and I am so eager to see where their tips and tricks take Love & LaRock as a lifestyle + motherhood brand.

Jessica, the founder of Social Studio Shop has really been helping me pinpoint which aspects of my website work and don't work. Her team has already given me tips on how to track and analyze my website traffic more effectively and helped me learn how to write stronger blog headings/tags and actually get my blog recognized by Google.

I have a long way to go. I am definitely no big wig, but I like to think that I have always stayed true to my mission of being open and honest. And who knows, if more people read my blog and can relate, maybe one day my dream of being a stay at home mother will come true? I long for that. It hurts my heart everyday I leave Winter for work.

If you too need some guidance on how to build your brand, whether it be in the blogging world or as a business, I highly recommend consulting with Social Studio Shop.

They have a great variety of packages available and they are offering 15% off when you sign up using the discount code: loveandlarock15.

Social Studio Shop and I plan to work together for three months. I can't wait to do an update to share some of the things I have learned with you. Please let me know if you too are wanting to dive into the Instagram and/or blogging world. I would love to answer any questions that you may have.

I can't thank each and every one of you enough for being on this journey with me.