Dinner Time + The Witching Hour

Dinner time....I feel like I should cue the Jaws theme song now.

We tried to take Winter to a local restaurant this past Friday. When we showed up, I thought it would be a blessing that it wasn't too crowed when we arrived. Nope, I was wrong. By the time the appetizer had come, Winter had played with everything in my purse, climbed on top of every empty seat, grabbed the squirt bottle from the server's station and screamed in protest a few times. Needless to say, we chugged our beers, pounded the app and bailed as quickly as we could with a huge sigh of relief when we made it back home. Some moments, I feel like I am raising a wild animal.

Perry usually takes on making dinner on the days that I work. He is a saint for doing that. When I get home from work, Winter turns into a koala bear (still on this wild animal kick) and clings onto me for dear life until 7 PM when I put her down for bed.

Winter's bodysuit c/o This Tribe of Three

Winter's bodysuit c/o This Tribe of Three

Winter is developing quite a lot of preferences these days. There are many nights when she wants to use my spoon (and not hers), stand up in her high chair instead of sit and refuses to eat what we cooked. Despite all the deep breaths we’re needing take at the dinner table, she finds so many ways to make us laugh. Just the other night, she insisted on feeding me. I have to say that she got pretty good with the spoon towards the end of it, but we both had to take an extra long bath/shower to extract the leftover orzo that made it's way into our hair.

So while dinner time is a hit or miss these days, I am beyond thankful to find companies like Sun Basket to help me get dinner on the table when it's my night to cook. Sun Basket is a company that sends organic and non-GMO ingredients & delicious recipes delivered weekly to your doorstep. Winter and I are cooking the chilaquiles in these photos! She wanted nothing to do with the highchair that day, so we ended up sitting on the floor to share a plate.

I would highly recommend trying Sun Basket. Not only do they support local farms, keep it green by using 100% recyclable and compostable packaging, but they will save your butt if your household is anything like mine between 5 and 7 PM. It's so easy—the ingredients are already measured out for you and you just have to chop a few things here and there. If feels like you cook a gourmet meal in half the time it would take you to do it on your own. Plus, there’s no grocery shopping which makes me do a happy dance all on its own! A win/win for everyone!!

What are your go to tricks to keep your littles busy during dinner time prep?

This post was sponsored by Sun Basket. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Photography by Brittany Renee'