A Letter to Winter: A Big Sister
Winter's pajamas and toddler blanket c/o Kyte Baby
I have been orchestrating these thoughts since the day that I had found out that you were getting a baby brother or sister. I vividly remember the moments before I discovered that we were expecting. I was sitting at the dinner table with you and your Dad and I said out loud, "We are enough." I grabbed your hand, you smiled at me, and your father nodded in agreement.
It's been just the three of us for quite some time. You have taught me more than I can ever articulate in this letter. I tear up when I think about how much we have grown together. From the very moment that you had opened your eyes you have taught me how to love without limits, give selflessly and enjoy life with every fiber of my being. You, my dear, have shown me how to be a mother and I am eternally grateful for this lesson and gift.
Your little brother or sister is so fortunate to be born into a household with you in it. Your empathy and understanding of the humans that inhabit this planet is far beyond your two-plus years. There has not been one day that goes by without you taking care of me, from rubbing my back, offering me tissue after I get sick, and telling me that I have the best heart.
Winter, you are already incredible and complete your father and me in so many ways. This new addition to the family is going to show us that a heart that is already so full can continue to expand. I know that you will adore this baby as much as this little baby is going to love you.
I love you to the luna and back, kid. To the moon and back.
Your Mother